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Stammering Treatment in Kottayam

You are at the right place in the search for the best stammering treatment in Kottayam. Stammering also called stuttering is a person’s inability to speak a letter or a word with a flow. During speech, one may face an involuntary interruption with words beginning with or sound like b, d, g, k, p and t. It is accompanied by blinking of eyes, tremor of jaws and red face. It is most likely to persist in 1 out 100 adults and among small children between 3 to 7 years of age if not taken care of.

Do stammering treatment in Kottayam provides a complete cure?

Even though it is a physical condition, there is no proper medication for stammering. Speech therapy is the best way to overcome this. Children or person suffering from stammering could also develop some conditions such as embarrassment, feeling ashamed; in those cases it is best to boost confidence by providing a relaxed environment without being judgmental. Intense psychological therapy is needed for some extreme cases. There are also a lot of physical condition that accompanies stammering such as shortness of breath, jaw ache and tiredness due to excess workload on body and mind. There is no general treatment for these physical conditions but it is always important to maintain a protein rich and healthy diet to provide sufficient energy to body and mind.

What are the Symptoms of Stammering?

Stammering is a speech related disorder and affects the normal fluency of speech. It begins in childhood age and may persist till adulthood. It affects both social and individual psychology and gives a negative impact on his/her self-esteem.

Some of the symptoms of Stammering may include:

  • Repeating a syllable or word
  • Difficulty in saying a sentence or word
  • Anxiety while talking
  • Pausing while uttering a particular word
  • Ineffective Communication
  • Expression of tightness or tension while producing a word
  • Upper face or body movement while trying to speak a particular word

What are the causes of Stammering?

Stammering is a neurological disorder that affects the normal fluency of speech. Some of the important causes for stammering are as follows.

  • Certain abnormal changes in the neurological system can trigger difficulties in talking leading to stammering.
  • In most cases, stammering is inherited genetically.
  • Around 75 % of the stammering affected population is males, so gender plays a crucial role in stammering.
  • In some cases, stammering is triggered during childhood.

How is stammering treatment in Kottayam done?

A good speech therapist will recommend you to concentrate on both physical exercises for strengthening organs such as jaw, lips, tongue and lungs along with speech therapy. Providing a person with friendly and relaxed environment where he/she doesn’t feel hesitated to speak is one of the best ways to overcome stammering.  Boosting confidence is also very effective on overcoming psychological conditions related to stammering such as embarrassment, shame and frustration. Stammering treatment in Kottayam also follows a series of controlled breathing exercises. Some effective speech therapy includes speaking calmly and slowly, repeating words where you stammer .Last but not the least, add minerals and proteins to your diet to boost the mental alertness.