Sravana Speech and Hearing Centre
  • Trio Chambers, Kanjikuzhi,Kottayam - 686 004,Kerala, India
  • Mon - Sat 9.30 - 17.00. Sunday CLOSED

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Best Hearing Impairment Treatment in Kerala

Best Hearing Impairment Treatment in Kerala

Any sort of hearing impairment | in Kerala | reduces the quality of an individual’s life and results in significant social handicap. Nowadays this is common among the youth as well as the old generation. Hence we are pledged in helping patients in all age groups with suspected hearing impairment problems and provide them with the best treatment in Kerala.

What are the causes of Hearing Impairment?

Conductive Hearing loss happens when there is an obstruction in the passage of sound from external environment to the ear. Hearing loss can also be caused by conditions of the middle ear.

Hearing impairment in children needs treatment otherwise it leads to permanent childhood hearing impairment which needs surgery or auditory rehabilitation at the earliest. Thorough evaluation of childhood hearing impairment should be done by audiologic test battery and otoendoscopy which includes universal screening by OAE, impedance audiometry and confirmation of hearing loss by BERA and advanced audiometric analysis by ASSR. In order to find the cause of hearing loss, advanced testing by trained professionals is suitable

Hearing impairment should be evaluated in systematic manner giving importance to the age of the patient. For young children, early detection of hearing loss is very important since it provides path for communication and speech in future life. The main concern in a child with delayed speech development is the presence of good hearing capability.

Sravana Speech and Hearing aid Centre provides experts who can cure hearing loss with modern and advanced treatment techniques. We dedicate 24 hours of services for our valuable customers along with the latest models of programmable digital multichannel hearing aids with rechargeable solutions, invisible options, smartphone compatibility, direct TV streaming and automatic ambient condition adjustments which helps the patients to solve their daily problems caused due to hearing impairments.

At Sravana you will find all the solutions for your hearing problems. We offer the best hearing  impairment treatment in Kerala along with other services which includes hearing assessment, professional counseling, hearing aid trial, programming and fitting and auditory training.