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Pure Tone Audiometry Test in Kottayam | Pathanamthitta

Pure Tone Audiometry Test in Kottayam | Pathanamthitta

Pure Tone Audiometry Test in Kottayam | Pathanamthitta is one of the simplest and most common hearing tests, providing valuable information on the hearing. The patient does not need to specifically prepare for the study. PTA is a key hearing test designed to identify hearing threshold of an individual i.e. the minimum volume that the patient hears. PTA uses both air and bone conduction audiometry in a range of frequencies. In other words PTA shows the status of auditory cells in the cochlear part of the ear.

What are the Benefits of PTA Test?

PTA Test can easily enable determination of the type, degree and configuration of a hearing loss problem through audiogram test result graph. Apart from diagnosis, PTA benefits other forms of hearing test like click auditory brainstem response.

How is PTA Performed?

PTA is performed on adults and children old enough to cooperate with the test procedure as it relies on patient response to pure tone stimuli.PTA only measures thresholds or behavioural measurement of hearing threshold.

Due to the need for cooperation of a patient with the audiometrist or hearing care professional, PTA is performed in children over 6 years of age. According to the developmental stage there are other pediatric tests performed in younger children.

Audiometric tests in children above 6 years is a diagnostic test in case of suspicion of hearing disorders, auditory and concentration disorders, speech therapy as well as for control after inflammation or infection of the middle or outer ear and third adenoid’s  diagnostics.

Pure Tone Audiometry Test in Kottayam | Pathanamthitta is completely non-invasive. It is carried out in in special headphones for bone and air conduction, separately for the right and left ear. Each ear receives sounds with certain frequency and volume, while patient is asked to press the button when he hears a stimulus. The test is conducted in cooperation with the patient and allows to pre-determine the depth and nature of hearing loss.