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OAE Test in Kerala

OAE Test in Kerala | Kottayam | Pathanamthitta

Looking for the Best OAE Test in Kerala? OAE (Otoacoustic Emissions) Test checks part of the inner ear’s response to sound. The test is done on children and infants who may not be able to respond to behavioral hearing tests because of their age. OAE helps in assessing the functional integrity of outer hair cells in the inner ear, Thus OAE’s will be negative for individuals with problems in outer hair cell functioning. It is an important test in assessing hearing in small children and difficult to test among population.

What is Otoacoustic Emission?

Otoacoustic Emissions are sounds emitted by one small part of the cochlea when it is stimulated by soft clicking sounds. When the sound stimulates the cochlea, the outer hair cells vibrate which produces a nearly inaudible sound that echoes back into the middle ear.

How is OAE Performed?

A tiny microphone and earphone are placed in the ear, sounds are played and a response is recorded. If a baby hears normally an echo is reflected into the ear canal which is recorded by the microphone. When a baby faces a hearing loss, no echo or a reduced echo can be recorded on the OAE test.

Why a Pediatric Audiologist Should Test your Child’s Hearing Capability?

Pediatric audiologist are specifically trained clinicians who have expertise in identifying hearing loss in children. A pediatric audiologist will be able to decide which tests are important and perform them with efficiency and accuracy. If a hearing loss is identified, the Pediatric Audiologist will give you information about communication options, hearing loss and other resources.

Your child is not required to sleep while performing this test. However, for this test your child and everyone in the room must maintain silence and sit still. Your child will not feel anything during the procedure.

How long is the Test?

The whole process should only take a few minutes.

OAE Test Results?

The results are either absent or present.

  • Present OAE’s are consistent with normal to near normal hearing range.
  • Absent OAE’s, may be a sign of problem. It could be hearing loss, fluid or infection in the middle ear, wax in the ears or a malformed inner ear. This indicates that more testing needs to find out why the OAE’s were absent and check out for any possible hearing loss.


Click Here to Book an Appointment with us to perform OAE Test in Kerala | Kottayam | Pathanamthitta   with Sravana.