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Best Audiogram Test in Kerala

Searching for the Best Audiogram Test in Kerala. An audiogram test also referred to as audiometry test is an examination of a person’s hearing ability which is represented in graphical formats. The audiometry technique helps to determine the amount and cause of hearing loss by measuring the hearing sensitivity of the person using a device called audiometer.

Audiometry test is useful in determining the most appropriate hearing aids or suitable treatment for the patient. The most popular method is the pure tone audiometry which measures hearing capacity as graph plotted on an audiogram.

An audiogram test is carried out in cases when a person starts experiencing hearing problems and is screened for diagnosis, to determine the kind and amount of hearing loss, as a part of routine examination, to check the hearing sensitivity of a person who is exposed to loud sounds regularly may be at his work place.

How much does Audiogram Test Cost?

Audiogram test cost is not fixed and is subject to change depending upon the various factors like audiologist fee, audiometry test etc. The pure- tone audiometry cost are also affordable.

As part of our healthcare service Sravana provide pre-tone audiogram test in Kerala. So if you need audiometry test just give us a call and our representative will schedule an appointment and our healthcare professional will perform the test. Along with that we also provide the test result along with an audiologist consultation.

We at Sravana are renowned for our superior quality health care service driven by a dedicated team of health care professionals and patient centric approach. You can find us on Google, just type best audiogram test in Kerala in the search box and you would find Sravana in the search result, click on the link and will be directed to our homepage where you can make appointment online or call on the displayed number to an audiologist visit you.