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Childhood Apraxia of Speech Treatment in Kerala

Childhood Apraxia of Speech Treatment in Kerala

Childhood Apraxia of Speech  | Treatment in Kerala | (CAS) is a rare speech disorder in which a child has difficulty in making accurate movements while speaking. In CAS, the brain struggles to develop signals for speech movement. Through this disorder, the speech muscles do not get weakened but they don’t perform normally because the brain has difficulty in coordinating or directing the movements.

For smooth speech, your child’s brain has to learn how to move lips, jaw and tongue in ways that result in accurate sounds and words spoken with normal rhythm and speed. CAS is often treated with speech therapy in which children practice the correct way to say words, phrases and syllables with the help of a speech and language pathologist.


What are the symptoms of Childhood Apraxia of Speech?

Children with childhood apraxia of speech may have many speech characteristics or symptoms that vary depending on the severity of their speech problems and age. CAS can be associated with delayed onset of first words, limited number of spoken words and the ability to form only a few vowel sounds or consonant.

Diagnosis of CAS isn’t based on any single observation or test. The specific tests conducted during the evaluation will depend on your child’s age, ability to cooperate and the severity if the speech. To evaluate your child’s condition, our speech and language pathologist will review your child’s symptoms and medical history, examine how your child produces speech sounds, words and phrases conduct an examination of the muscles used for speech.

In our clinic, doctors trained in speech pathology and neurology provide proper Childhood Apraxia of Speech Treatment in Kerala. Sravana’s renowned medical staff works together with other specialist to deliver the most appropriate treatment for each patient. Your child’s treatment  team may involve speech and language pathologist, doctors trained in brain and nervous system conditions ,physical and occupational therapists and others professionals as needed.